Friday, April 29, 2016

I am a VA Nurse

“I am a VA Nurse” by Alberta E. Gudes, MSN, RN

A veterans affairs’ (VA) nurse is a very pleasing words to many and as a young nurse I had a dream to be and now I am a VA Nurse. It means to commit oneself, taking all the necessary steps to take care of the other  even to paying in person, “come close” to the veterans, to the point of identifying oneself with them who had served their life, fighting for freedom for this country, the beautiful America. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”, behold Lord’s Commandment. I care the veterans the same as oneself, teaching them how to prevent diseases through simple handwashing, healthy lifestyle changes, getting necessary immunizations, taking medications as prescribed, making follow up laboratory works and well doctor’s visit to monitor  body fluids as needed through staying healthy as possibly can. Thanks through channels of  the leadership who encouraged this essay writing. Thank you everyone for keeping me, I am a VA Nurse.

Integrity. As a Prime Care Clinic Nurse, I take care of a veteran one at a time, well and sick patient visits, between life and preventing death situations with daily assessments and nursing care. Well care because at allergy clinic allergy immunotherapy are administered for established veterans who decided to build their own immunity by taking a long series of weekly frequency of increasing dose of their own allergy injection. Sick care because illness is one part of health continuum of healthy and happy life for everyone.

Commitment. Veterans are my family in nursing profession that strictness, alertness and close surveillance is my heartfelt commitment especially in doing the identifiers for each patient before medication and procedure executions. Checking the five rights of giving medications: (1)right patient, (2)right medication,(3) right dose, (4) right route,(5) right time and plus right doctor’s orders. For every nurse to sustain every day includes a healthy clean environment and a  robust nursing commitment forever!

Advocacy. Without veterans there is emptiness in our heart. Advocacy are the application of our nursing feelings through listening what veteran need most, integrating with the standard of holistic patient care and overcoming barriers to become an advocate to veterans patients by empowering them in their active practice. Providing the options of health care and let patient decide which one would be the best care. 

Respect. Respectful communication and privacy are the basic network that connect veterans care and knowing each individuals cultural diversity of family and support system can cultivate a growth of potential strength of mind and body leading to a content healthy person. I made a step in showing this through education and mainly at daily nursing encounters. It is a big refuge!

Excellence.  Pursuit to life excellence and make a difference especially in one of the most difficult life threatening emergencies through prayers, following protocols and guidelines of safety practice. Honing safe nursing enthusiasm and have faith in all of us that this endeavor will be a continuous great success and veterans are around our side…I am a VA nurse!

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