Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Excellence in Nursing Awardee - LVN

              Department of Veteran Affairs                                                                                             

January 10, 2016
Alberta E. Gudes RN, MSN - Staff Nurse
Brandi Shoals, LVN - LVN Nomination
Through Channels
Excellence in Nursing Award
Nursing Awards Committee
Office of Nursing Services
Michael E DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC)
2002 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030

Expressing nomination of Brandi Shoals, License Vocational Nurse (LVN) for Award for Excellence in Nursing for her visibly outstanding admirable sole effective delivery of veterans care especially during emergent code blue and code green situations and work strongly with Registered Nurses (RNs), all interdisciplinary heath care team at Prime Care clinic, MEDVAMC superior leadership’s vision and mission.

Ms. Shoals easily help stocking supplies at treatment room, to running to the emergency room to get a stretcher while other staff taking care of the ongoing sick patient who fall to the floor.  In another time, she removed from the Clinic 3 patient waiting area and isolated allergy clinic veteran/s who indulge in quarreling in escalating loud voices for unknown reason. In the midst of the struggle/s to serve veterans to attain their utmost health possible, she is a figure in an indirect nursing to break down silos that treat veteran/s’ health, peace, security and human rights as a separate tasks.

From this grassroots of nursing functions she represents a true integral of human negotiations and development for all. We must work diligently to avoid fight between diverse people of nation. At the very start, affirmation, peace, security and human rights are well related and equally reinforcing to be plentiful.

In appreciation of Ms. Shoals, this co-worker is so proud of her remarkable provision of care that increases strength of nursing care, silently inspiring others to try to be like, and generally many happy veterans thus write this big wish for her. Thank you for believing in her and thank you.

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