Friday, April 24, 2020

How to Create a Blog

How to Create a Blog
Inspired by Huberta “Bette” Cozart, PhD, RN
By Alberta “Ber” E. Gudes, MSN, RN

This is a protected type of site by Blog host

Owner: Google - need to sign in Gmail account

Commercial: Yes

Registration: Optional, free

Launched: August 23, 1999 ~ 20 years ago

I learned from “the old nursing school”- during handwriting time they trained us to write clearly, no computer yet but I saw a typewriter at my father’s work desk. My husband and I had a lot of computer challenges at work and home, so we decided to improve our computer skills by attending one subject “College Keyboarding” at Houston Community College, about 20 years ago. This made us understand better on how and what are the computer parts and functions but there are still a lot to learn beyond this.
To be a blogger was an option, choice I made at one subject during Master schooling days, I thought that was easier than making a Podcast which is now easier to do too if you have a tripod stand for steady recording selfie video like in television news.
In my blog site I posted my few articles and few pictures when needed or when my spirits are fine to do this very special task for this need focus time to do it.

Here is how to do it - 8 simple steps.
  1.  Click on the url: Click get started.
  2.  Select what your site about then follow the computer instructions.
  3.  Need to have Gmail account for sign in + password.
  4. This will be good to create, download to your blog which I usually prepare from Word document, Power point, Publisher or Video prior to downloading.
  5.  I used removable memory card with: Kodak camera, Sony Camera, Nikon digital camera D90, GoPro hero4 but it was getting very heavy that I preferred using my iPhone 6S camera, they have the same pixel. The progression of camera to taking video, I learned from my kids who were playing with it at their younger school age. Now they are my built-in computer resources at home.
  6.  I have a dedicated desk top computer and my family members have each desk top computers too to work at bigger and better monitor for editing.
  7. Just be creative on color scheme and this can be edited as much as you want too.
  8. Good luck, enjoy and have fun!