Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Because "I CARE", Silver Prize 2015 MEDVAMC Nursing Essay Contest (34 Entries), Sponsored by: Nursing Research Council

First of all, I would like to thank all the Veterans of the United States of America for a “Job Well Done!”  Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt cheers to the Nursing Research Council, and all the nursing team who provided tender loving care for our beloved veterans in echoing our efforts on how we help our veterans and fellow nurses take pride of serving our beloved servicemen who sacrificed their lives and being away from their loved ones to give us freedom.  Thirdly, a zillion thank you to Michael E DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC)’s Leadership and Staff who promote this Nursing Essay and those who duly submitted their nursing essay of “Because I CARE” as part of MEDVAMC Nurse Week Celebration and VA Core Values. 

Integrity. As a Prime Care Clinic Nurse, I take pride in serving our veterans with dignity and utmost nursing care based from American Nurses Association (ANA) Gold Standard Ethics and Quality.  Model used:  I adhere to both ANA and MEDVAMC protocols and policies in administering procedures that a Medical Doctor (MD) must be present for patient safety and health, thus upholding the flawless results of allergy immunotherapy.   

Commitment.  Precision, vigilance and observance is my sincerest commitment of delivering my nursing care to veterans. Case scenario: Doing the identifiers for each patient before procedure or medication administration like checking correctness of patient’s  full name, social security number and date of birth, including checking diligently of active orders and five rights: right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, right timing. Let us commit and let it be the strongest commitment ever!

Advocacy. Veteran’s advocacy are the application of our heart, soul of nursing practice and a very big part of our daily life – without them there is emptiness in our hearts.  It is the one place where we unite regardless of social and political standing. For illustration: I overcome barriers to become an effective nursing advocate to veterans’ patient by engaging them in their mobilizing practice.  It is our refuge! 

 Respect.  Respect is my action performed and it is not an emotion.  My love, kindness and compassion are knitted together in communicating with our veterans. For instance: I have made a great stride in showing my respect by knowing the veterans cultural diversity thru education, in services and sharing with veterans and my colleagues as needed.

Excellence.   Excellence is my quest as if this was the very last option I have in my life to make a difference. Do where I can, when I can, and what I can to help the veterans, the nurses or other staff; and the tomorrow will take care of its own. I listen and truly listen to veterans and their families. For example, for years, some patients have voiced that they got best effect of allergy immunotherapy and this is evidenced by multiple praises written by veterans for me. I pray for our continued good health and well being, for without them, we would not be of much help, for our safety, for love, and never ending enthusiasm because I CARE. I have faith in all of us that this endeavor will be a great success!  Our veterans are on our side …Because I CARE!

by Alberta E. Gudes, MSN, RN

1) Posted at VA Intranet

Nursing Essay Contest
Congratulations to our winners of the 2015 Nursing Essay Contest!
First Place: Carlis Lollie, RN
Second Place: Alberta Gudes, RN
Third Place: Derrick Walker, RN
First Honorable Mention: Chinyere Igwilo, RN
Second Honorable Mention: Linda York, LVN
Third Honorable Mention: Grace Campos, RN

2) Posted at The Source
May17-May 24, 2015

Nursing Essay Contest 2015

Congratulations to our winners of the 2015 Nursing Essay Contest!
First Place: Carlis Lollie, RN
Second Place: Alberta Gudes, RN
Third Place: Derrick Walker, RN
First Honorable Mention: Chinyere Igwilo, RN
Second Honorable Mention: Linda York, LVN
Third Honorable Mention: Grace Camp
From: Cozart, Huberta (HOU) 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 8:00 PM
To: VHAHOUNursing Research Council; VHAHOU Nursing Informatics Council; VHAHOU RN; VHAHOU LVN; VHAHOU APN; VHAHOU ANOD; VHAHOU NA
Cc: VHAHOU NURSE MANAGERS; VHAHOU NurseExecs; Gudes, Alberta
Subject: RE: Featured RN Essay today! Congratulations!! Alberta Gudes, RN Essay Contestant "Because I CARE" Nursing Essay Contest - Read all about it! 2015 Nurses Week Celebration

Celebrating MEDVAMC Nurses


On Integrity, Respect & Advocacy

As a Prime Care Clinic Nurse, I take pride in serving our veterans with RESPECT, dignity and utmost nursing care based from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Gold Standard Ethics and Quality. I adhere to both ANA and MEDVAMC protocols and policies in administering procedures that a Medical Doctor (MD) must be present for patient safety, thus upholding the flawless results of allergy immunotherapy and treatments provided. This is my INTEGRITY. Veteran’s ADVOCACYis the application of my heart,  the soul of my nursing practice and a very big part of my daily life – without t ADVOCACY, there is emptiness in my heart.  It is the core value that I am most passionate about, regardless of social and political standing. I overcome barriers to become an effective nursing advocate for our veterans by engaging them in their mobilizing practice.  It is my REFUGE!  
Because I CAREby Alberta Gudes, RN
Alberta, as an RN Contestant, you won a box of chocolates! Thank you for your submission! J

Huberta "Bette" T. Cozart, PhD, RN
Interim Chair, Nursing Research Council
Member-Institutional Review Board (IRB) Panel#4, Baylor College of Medicine
Instructor, Baylor College of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Care Line, Clinical Nurse Educator
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
2002 Holcombe, Office 1B-168
Houston, Texas 77030
tel #: (713) 791-1414 X 27994
'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'  [Maya Angelou]
I’ve learned that being part of the solution forges a new path for personal growth. [Dr. Bette]
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Goethe
From doubting what if – to acting what can be. [Dr Bette]
From: Cozart, Huberta (HOU) 
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:46 PM
To: Lollie, Carlis D.; Gudes, Alberta; Walker, Derrick D.; Igwilo, Chinyere P.; York, Linda; Campos, Grace D. (HOU)
Cc: VHAHOU NURSE MANAGERS; VHAHOU NurseExecs; VHAHOU RN; VHAHOU LVN; VHAHOU NA; Verbeck, Nikki D.; Irving, Kelly A. (HOU); Jordan, Darlene B; Dierker, Susan E
Subject: re: Congratulations! WINNERS 2015 MEDVAMC Nursing Essay Contest/Nurses Week sponsored by Nursing Research Council

*Celebrating MEDVAMC 2015 Nurses Essay Winners
(*Rated By: Independent Judging Panel = 6 Members:1 APRN, 2 RNs, 2 Veterans, 1 Public Affairs Staff)

Gold Prize
Carlis Lollie, RN 3D
Excerpt: Because I CARE
“Because I CARE, I treat all of the patients with respect. The patients here at our facility have given up a part of themselves to fight for our freedom. The selflessness that is portrayed through the vast array of memories that are shared is more than enough to honor these men and women as they enter into our facility. From the time they walk through our doors until the time they leave I ensure that I make my patients feel special even when they don’t feel as though they deserve the treatment.”

   My Photo                                                                                                                                                        
  Silver Prize              Bronze Prize               1st Honorable Mention    2ndHonorable Mention       3rd Honorable Mention
Alberta Gudes, RN   Derrick Walker, RN         Chinyere Igwilo, RN            Linda York, LVN                   Grace Campos, RN
Unit = Prime Care      Unit = 3D                         Unit = 2C                  Unit = Prime Care                    Unit = OR
Huberta "Bette" T. Cozart, PhD, RN
Interim Chair, Nursing Research Council
Member-Institutional Review Board (IRB) Panel#4, Baylor College of Medicine
Instructor, Baylor College of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Care Line, Clinical Nurse Educator
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
2002 Holcombe, Office 1B-168
Houston, Texas 77030
tel #: (713) 791-1414 X 27994
'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'  [Maya Angelou]
I’ve learned that being part of the solution forges a new path for personal growth. [Dr. Bette]
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Goethe
From doubting what if – to acting what can be. [Dr Bette]

MEDVAMC – Nursing Research Council
2015 Nurses Week Celebration
Appreciating MEDVAMC Nurses


Awarding of Prizes: Nursing Essay Contest
Gold Prize; Silver Prize; Bronze Prize
& 3 Honorable Mention Prizes
Staff below are cordially invited. Certificates & (in-kind) prizes to be awarded!!
Donor: CPO Office & NRC
Staff with Essay Submissions (34)
1.     Alls, Jessica D.  
2.     Allen, Keisha
3.     Ulat, Mary
4.     Barrett, Roland A.
5.     Abraham, Legi
6.     Barta, Lilian
7.     Campos, Grace D.
8.     Asselin-Cavey, Glennys
9.     Carter, Donna A
10.   Chacko, Mini R
11.   Dickson, Barbara
12.   Duran, Ami
13.   Ellankiyil, Lovely
14.   Hamilton, Vaiccia L.
15.   Hawthorne-Kanife, Rita
16.   Hencey, Erin D.
17.   Henry, Leann B.
18.   Hopman, Lamonda B.
19.   Igwe, Constantine
20.   Lollie, Carlis D.
21.   Luke, Mini
22.   Mansukhani, Estellita
23.   Monroe, Cindy A.
24.   Igwilo, Chinyere P.
25.   Okezie, Anesia D  
26.   Pammit, Bernadette D.
27.   Sam, Aji  
28.   Shaffer, Marie
29.   Shaffer, Marilyn G.  
30.   Shekoni, Valentina O.
31.   Walker, Derrick;
32.   York, Linda
33. Walker, Derrick
34. Gudes, Alberta
Inviting All Nurses!

Agenda:  Awarding of Prizes & Certificates to staff who submitted an essay.

POC: Bette Cozart, PhD, RN @ ext. 27994, Interim Chair, Nursing Research Council